A Life

The Shoe
That Grows
Light A Life has partnered with Because International. Their The Shoe That Grows has gained national attention. This shoe will expand 5 sizes, lasts 5 years and will protect the feet of children from blisters, illnesses, and disease. The Shoe That Grows is the shoe that changes lives. Learn more from this video.
Clean Burning
Efficient Cookstove
Millions of people cook with open flame kitchens, but with deadly consequences. Traditional cooking pits require a dependence on charcoal which furthers deforestation as well as producing deadly fumes. These clean burning, fuel efficient stoves provide cleaner air in the home and reduce the impact on the need for charcoal. You can learn more from this National Geographic article. The solution is a Clean Burning Cookstove.
Village Water
Filtration System
Water in Guatemala is highly contaminated and dangerous to drink. We aim to change that. Water filtration systems can be installed and serve entire communities. You can help us stave off infection, disease, and parasites. Learn more about the dangers lurking in Guatemalan water.
Hard Floored
Family Home
Many Guatemalan families live in dilapidated shacks. These homes provide little shelter from storms and the elements. Your donation will vastly improve the living conditions for a family in need.
Chaya Plant
The Chaya plant grows abundantly in Guatemala. This Mayan Miracle Food, also known as Mayan Spinach, is said to:
Improve blood circulation
Help digestion
Improve vision
Prevent varicose veins and hemorrhoids
Lower cholesterol
Help reduce weight
Prevent coughs
Augment calcium in the bones
Decongest and disinfect the lungs
Prevent anemia
Improve memory and brain function
Combat arthritis
Improve glucose metabolism and prevent diabetes
Additionally, just five leaves a day from a Chaya plant can supply much needed nutrition to those who have gone without.